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What’s in it for me?

  • Why build my understanding?
  • How will this help my business?

Click on Graham and Anna to learn more, then click Next to continue.

Hi, I’m Graham, a butcher at Meats A Treat. Customers often ask me about the quality of the meat in my shop. A lot of the time they also want advice about the different cuts and how to best cook them.
What will I learn?
Hi, I’m Anna. I’m a chef at Meat & Eat. Serving consistent quality meat in my restaurant is really important. It means that customers will keep coming back for a great dining experience.
How will I benefit?

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What will I learn?

By completing this module, you’ll learn how to:

  • Describe the MSA program and how it benefits your business
  • Communicate with suppliers in a way that ensures you receive the right MSA meat when purchasing
  • Interpret the information on MSA labelling and make sure that packaging and labelling meet required standards
  • Present and/or prepare meat for customers as per MSA requirements
  • Meet your core responsibilities as an MSA licensee

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How will I benefit?

This module will help you:

  • Talk more knowledgably about eating quality with your customers
  • Develop the confidence to suggest and provide your customers with products that support a great eating experience
  • Increase customer loyalty by being informed and providing consistent eating quality

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