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Your licensee responsibilities

An MSA licensee has several key responsibilities.

Click on each of the responsibilities, then click Next to return to the home page.

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MSA licensed enterprises must ensure that all staff have been appropriately trained on the requirements for handling MSA product.

Licensees can use the MSA: excellence in eating quality program to train additional staff in their business.

Managing staff training:

  • Login to MSA: excellence in eating quality
  • Add staff members to your MSA member profile
  • Staff complete training and quiz
  • Update an onsite training register
  • Print off certificates

You may be required to show your training register at your next MSA audit.

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If a customer lodges a complaint about MSA product at your outlet, there is a simple step-by-step procedure to follow.

  1. Complete an MSA customer complaint form with as much information as possible
  2. Notify MSA
  3. MSA will gather all necessary information from the end user and the supplier to verify the complaint
  4. The results of the investigation will be communicated to the complainant

Providing the correct information will help achieve a successful complaint resolution.

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MSA licensees are subject to an independent third party audit. You will be contacted prior to an audit to arrange a suitable time.

You can download a Quality Control checklist and follow the requirements to ensure that you comply with MSA Standards.

Click here to request a hard copy of the Quality Control checklist by email.

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